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Negative pressure carrier

air frame for CT scanslight weightfast installation

Negative pressure carrier

Negative pressure carrier certified for Korea’s first KGMP.
-Certification Number: KCL-AAB-5673, Product Category: Patient transportation Vehicle (Grade 1 medical device)

Manufactured by WOSEM to prevent secondary infections by high-risk pathogens.

Equipped with a Negative pressure-maintaining unit and high-performance filter.
Built for easy removal from the main unit.

Manufactured to isolate as stably as possible and transport swiftly.

Designed for the world’s first air frame-based low-cost lightweight.
-CT scanning enabled. Achievement of continuity in CT scanning and innovation of disinfection procedure.
-3 minutes for assembly (average assembly time of 40 minutes for foreign products).
-Competitive pricing (1/3-1/4 of foreign products)

Negative pressure apparatus:
Prevents secondary infection from suspected COVID-19 patients.

Pressure (Pa): Indicates the pressure drop between inside and outside.
-Charge rate (%): Indicates the battery level.
-Changeover switch the ON, OFF, and Auxiliary battery.

Exhaust fan:
DC fan: Low sound level, Exhaust air through the HEPA filter.

Halkey valve:
Part of the Inject air

HEPA filter:
Filter out viruses like COVID-19.

Differential pressure sensor:
Senses the different pressure between inside and outside.

It is possible to do CPR in case of an emergency.

Closer zipper:
-1 Main zipper is used when the patient enters and exits the capsule.
-4 Extra zipper is used to put in the medical tools.

Use when moving to another stretcher or bed.

-Simple installation and lightweight.
-It is possible to use it in CT scans to safely examine the patient.

Oxygen mask:
It is possible to supply oxygen from the mask in case of an emergency.

Inlet structure:
Supply the air outside.

Coming soon

Negative Pressure Wheelchair
(Transport device for the safe transport of patients with suspected infections)

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