It is remarkable to mention that our MOSQUITO SHIELD BAND insect repellent bracelet granted to the Members of the Greek Olympic Mission 2016 (Rio De Janeiro), after the appropriate approval for their protection of the mosquitoes that carried the Zika virus.
Citriodiol Repellent MOSQUITO SHIELD
Citriodiol is registered in accordance with the European Biocidal Products Directive (BPD) 98/8/EC and it is the only natural ingredient (2016 data) that can be used as an insect repellent and may also come into contact with skin, as opposed to Citronella which is not recognized as an insect repellent in the EU.
Our insect repellent MOSQUITO SHIELD bracelet is also free of Geraniol, a substance that is irritating when in contact with the skin according to the current EU regulations' provisions.
Scientific research has proven that Citriodiol effectively repels common types of mosquitoes (including the "TIGER mosquito"), gnats, ticks, fleas and flies.
So MOSQUITO SHIELD is a safe and effective insect repellent approved by the EU, which can be used by your entire family.
Type approval number: TP19-0199/YPAPEN.
Duration of use up to 200 hours.
* When not in use it should be stored in its transparent airtight resealable packaging.
Available in selected pharmacies in the distinctive MOSQUITO SHIELD packaging.
Producer company VYTE Exclusive import MARVIFARM and distribution of products by MENARINI HELLAS.